Ethernet versus Broadband for your business

Internet access is likely the lifeblood of your business, running everything from your cloud-based software to your information research, your email infrastructure and potentially even your phone system, so when was the last time you audited your speeds, and are you using the right solution for your business? Most of us only check speeds when […]

Cybersecurity Round Up May 2021

In May 2021, ransomware still dominates the list of data breaches and cyber-attacks this month. Out of 128 publicly disclosed incidents in May 2021, 40% were ransomware attacks. The breached records are much lower compared to April 2021, despite 115,861,330 records being breached, but this can be explained by the fact ransomware attacks do make […]

Does your infrastructure support your PCI compliance?

Following news of the FatFace data breach, which included, among other records, the last four digits of the long number and the three digit security code of customers’ card details, it is clear that PCI compliance is not always achieved, despite UK laws that mandate it. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) […]

Legalese ransomware that makes you pause…

When checking for potential cyber threats and ransomware, many teams are gaining confidence that they’re avoiding the common pitfalls. Things like looking for spelling mistakes, checking the ‘sent from’ email address, hovering over links, and even just sense checking yourself that you know the sender, are all good steps; but what about emails threatening legal […]

Cybersecurity Round Up April 2021

Driven by the widespread issue of ransomware, more than 1 billion records were breached in April 2021, across more than 140 separate incidents. Ransomware currently accounts for roughly 1 in every 3 data breach incidents, so much so that UK authorities are encouraging people to start reporting the incidents to the police rather than paying […]

Are you ready for the telephone apocalypse?

Alright, so we might be being a tiny but overdramatic, but our message is sincere. Did you know that at the old-fashioned and outdated copper cabling system known as ISDN is being phased out, with a gradual obsoletion plan in place and a big 2025 switch off? Thought not! Despite plenty of coverage in the news, […]

The rise of double extortion…

As if the idea of a cyberattack wasn’t bad enough, many nefarious actors are now taking advantage of victims with a wave of double extortion sweeping the internet. So what is it, and why should you be worried? The basics Whether you fall foul of ransomware, phishing, credential stuffing, or a good old-fashioned hack, the […]

The cost of ransomware incidents is growing

It’s not just the cost of recovery, but the average ransom being paid that’s grown. Hackers are getting greedier, but they’re also getting more successful too… In a nutshell: According to the cybercrime report produced by Palo Alto Networks and the incident response team at Crypsis, criminals are making more money and demanding more money […]

Cybersecurity Round Up March 2021

March has been recorded as a month with lower-than-average records leaked per data breach, but that’s in no way reassuring. In fact, there was an exceptionally high number of breaches – 151 – during the month, and the reason that there were lower data record numbers recorded was in fact because of a surprisingly high […]