Networking & Professional Services

Whether you have an internal IT team that needs access to a specific expert resource, or you have an installation or upgrade project that needs expert advice, we offer a consultative approach to networking and professional services and can offer as much help and expertise as required. Our services include the below…

Network Security

In the era of cyber security threats, widespread viruses, and increasingly cloud-based services, are you concerned about how secure your network is, but don’t necessarily know how to check? Our experts can help.

Security is our top priority, which is why we are ISO27001:2022 accredited, and why we regularly undertake network penetration tests to ensure our own networks are 100% safe & secure. This means we also have the expertise and skills to profile and secure your networks.

Ask us about our IT health check, where we can take a look at your network, and provide an assessment of both the network performance and the network security, with a personalised report for your business. We can then help you to roll-out the changes, or your internal IT expert can do it for you.

Where we differ from others is we understand the end to end solution and can give advice. So often vendors will sell you something and then leave you with the challenges and issues, SCG however considers the impacts on the network and will advise accordingly.

We also approach security from the point of view of your business, setting up the right environment to suit who uses your system and when so that your business data is always secure.

Switching and Cabling

We all concern ourselves in ensuring our team has the right tools for their job including their PC hardware and their commercial software, but how often do we stop and think about whether the local network is set up to support it?

Hardware and software solutions are rapidly accelerating and the very latest versions promise productivity benefits never seen before, but only if your network can handle it. Complaints of slow processing speeds, poor responsiveness, and even downtime are common when your network has become too old or small to sustain new technological advances.

We can assess, help and monitor whether your network is capable of running the latest specifications of PCs and Macs and the data that they require. As businesses grow more equipment is added so it is important that your network is capable of supporting the growth.

We can provide managed switches and routing equipment complete with remote monitoring to ensure that you have the right equipment in place, and it is fit for purpose. Being managed we can make necessary adjustments as your requirements for your network change, whether that be applying quality of service rules or adding additional VLANs (virtual local area networks).

Private Networking

Do you buy great new equipment promising better output and productivity, only to find that it isn’t as effective as promised and that the original vendor can’t help because ‘the equipment works’? It’s often caused by incorrect network configurations.

Most businesses benefit from segregated networks for security and network routing, giving priority to certain types of traffic to ensure maximum speeds and productivity where it’s needed.

Our network architects can work with you to understand your requirements and design your network to suit your business requirements, whether that be through SD-WAN (software-defined wide-area networks) or VPNs (virtual private networks). 

This, together with us being an ISP (internet service provider) means we can provide your network from end to end giving you just one point of contact to address all matters, allowing for speedy configurations and resolutions.

Managed Service Provider

Prevention from data leakages and viruses is essential in a world where business critical information is being accessed from a wide range of devices and locations. Whatever you’re transmitting, wherever you’re transmitting from, a security solution from Southern Communications provides the connectivity and security you need to prioritise the important stuff, eliminate the dangerous stuff and safely check the stuff you’re not sure about to protect your intellectual property.