At the end of 2021, we hosted our Eurolink team awards, featuring such categories as “biggest gossip” and “office clown” as voted for by their peers. In amongst the hilarity, we also had the more serious awards, including our “Employee of the Year” as chosen by our team. The winner was Gail Derrett, our Business Development Manager who said “I was quite taken aback when I found out I won employee of the year, super chuffed indeed!”

Introducing Gail Derrett

Gail is our Business Development extraordinaire, and as well as spending a lot of time on the phone, is usually the first port of call for our client account queries. Quizzing Gail on her job, she said that she believes her most important trait is her ability to listen, care and respond promptly, something that our clients value, and which falls neatly into our THINK customer charter. She says “The service we provide that I love the most is our ‘Eurolink love’ customer service. Customers love the fact we are a quick call, answered within seconds and everyone in our office knows who they are. Speaking to the same person everytime is a very big plus for customers.”

For Gail, our PIPPA hosted phone product is her absolute fave. Coming from a traditional PBX background (private telephone network to you and I), she loves the fact that PIPPA means there’s no big box and lots of kit on site, and there’s no large maintenance charges. She says that the portal is really user friendly (in her words “even for me!”) and it’s a great medium for businesses that want to future proof their set ups and have all the features of a system that they are used to, but more features.

When asked about what she loves in our industry, she says “It’s the most interesting industry which is forever changing. My colleagues at Eurolink make it even better, creating a fab place to work, everyone is so willing to help and listen. I haven’t worked at a place like it where everyone really does care. I love going out to meet customers, taking a look around their premises and truly understanding their pain points, listening and coming up with a solution to any requirement, I find this really interesting. Really getting my teeth stuck into a project.”

Finally, when quizzed about her proudest moment, Gail comments “It has to be winning Glastonbury and Cirencester town council. The trust that they have in me from just meeting with them once is amazing. They are great customers to have on our base and with the help of their testimonials this should bring on more councils and Schools. Elmhurst Junior school in Glastonbury now want to speak with us and being able to name drop Glastonbury council has certainly helped in this. From a cold call to winning their trust in Eurolink and bringing them on as a new customer is definitely my proudest moment. Oh and my Employee of the year award of course!”

So there you have it: Gail Derrett, our employee of the year. You can speak to Gail and the rest of the team by calling 01453 700 800.