Cybersecurity Round Up May 2023
May was an astronomical month for data records breached, with more than 98 million records breached across 98 incidents. This compares to 4.3 million in April, 42 million in March and 29.5 million in February, but it doesn’t come close to the astounding 277.6 million in January. The majority of the 98 million breached records […]

Cybersecurity Round Up April 2023
The breach figure for April took a nosedive compared to previous months, with ‘just’ 4.3million records breached, compared to 42 million in March, 29.5 million in February, and a whopping 277.6 million in January. Over 50% of April breached records came from a US medical services provider – Shields Health Care Group – who saw […]

Cybersecurity Round Up March 2023
With just shy of 42 million records breached, March has seen a number of high profile incidents, including a breach at Latitude Financial accounting for 14 million records, and a breach at Australian Telecoms company AT&T accounting for 9 million breached records. What’s more, a new report released in February, highlights that the Australian media […]

Microsoft Teams exploit serves as an important reminder for staff training
At the beginning of September, a security researcher identified a potential security flaw with “GIFShell”, which can be used to send GIF images via Microsoft Teams. The research found that threat actors are actively exploiting the flaw, and using it to launch phishing attacks by sharing files that include covert commands for the theft of […]

BT and Openreach Industrial Action
We have had a number of customers get in touch with us regarding the strike action in the BT and Openreach workforces. The strikes are set to take place on Friday 29 July and Monday 1 August, and clients are querying what this means for them. According to BT and Openreach responses, if industrial action […]

Cybersecurity round up May 2022
May was a bumper month for data record breaches, with 49.8 million records breached across 77 incidents, compared with 14 million across 80 incidents in April. Most of the incidents in May were global, but UK-specific reports have related to human error. Verizon releases annual data breach report Verizon has released its annual data breach […]

DMARC: National Cyber Security Centre email security check
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has launched a new security tool, enabling businesses to check the security settings of their email domains. It can be used to help businesses to determine how secure their domain is for email, and identify any vulnerabilities which may need to be addressed, including privacy and potential spoofing issues. […]

Spotlight on our best department
At the end of 2021, we hosted our Eurolink team awards, featuring such categories as “biggest gossip” and “office clown” as voted for by their peers. In amongst the hilarity, we also had the more serious awards, including our “Best Department” as chosen by our team, clients, and colleagues. Getting the 2021 honour of being […]

Do you comply with your cyber liability insurance?
Cyber insurance helps you manage your risk, recover from a cyberattack, and pay any costs that you may have incurred, but that is only if your claim is paid. In the last twelve months, we’ve seen a significant growth in the number of our clients taking on cyber liability insurance. (Not got it yet? Read our […]